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Professional expertise

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Our training sessions

May 2024
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Our programs

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Aero-Formatech® is a company that relies on experienced instructors known for the quality of their professional cabin safety training skills. Since its foundation in 1992, Aero-Formatech® has been offering custom crew member training programs to Canadian and international pilots, flight attendants, instructors, technicians, ground personnel, managers and inspectors. The company uses training materials and products that are environmentally friendly.

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The Canadian aviation regulations require that all crew members of airline companies be assigned duties to perform in any emergency situation or evacuation. Training participants will be shown that the performance of techniques learned adequately addresses any emergency situation that may be reasonably anticipated.

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Our approach




Our on-the-job training programs have demonstrated that they are well adapted to

  • all crew members, and
  • fundamental workplace-specific characteristics, such as narrow spaces, ergonomics and emergency-related stress.

The Aero-Formatech® professional team of instructors has developed a unique approach where these factors are considered. Only the best concepts in the field and a thorough knowledge of crew member settings are used to custom build our programs in order to meet clients’ needs. The appropriate interpretation of participants’ training results, specific skills demonstrated and on-site behaviour is important to ensure they perform their duties efficiently.

This unique approach guarantees an optimal ROI (return on investment).


  1. Evaluation of client’s specific needs
  2. Development of a custom training strategy
  3. Presentation of a service offer
  4. Development of programs
  1. Implementation of programs
  2. Evaluation and measurement of performance
  3. Issuance of certification card
  4. Implementation of follow-up and supervision programs